Let’s get our priorities straight: Talent always comes first. You must know the principles of the job; you must have a trained ear, along with a thorough understanding of how the equipment works- signal flow and gain structure are the foundation...
Being a Prepared Sound Tech
Here are some of the things I try to do before rehearsal, soundcheck, and “show time” every time I run sound: Show up on time. Actually, I recommend showing up early- make sure you have plenty of time to do your job and account for any curve-balls thrown your way, if this means you need to come earlier than was requested...
Installations Part 2: Spec'ing Equipment
In spec’ing out equipment (particularly consoles in this post) I realized that it might be helpful to see some of my thought process. For this particular project that I am working on for my church we have a small but workable budget. The smaller the budget the more difficult decisions become because if you buy something that isn’t of high quality (or can’t be upgraded) it will likely have to be replaced significantly sooner than wanted...
Installations Part 1: Budgeting
Great Employees
Here are the four C’s that Don Hoffman, Principal of The CREST company uses when hiring employees: 1. Character - This must always be first...